Learn how to go from using booleans to represent state to writing a reducer and a simple state machine in Svelte to using XState to avoid impossible states and have more confidence your code works as expected. 👉️ Support ▶️ YouTube Membership https://youtube.com/@joyofcodedev/join 🔴 Patreon https://www.patreon.com/joyofcode 👉️ Links: XState 🔗 https://xstate.js.org/ Stately 🔗 https://stately.ai/ Introduction To State Machines Using XState 🔗 https://egghead.io/courses/introduction-to-state-machines-using-xstate How To Tell A Bad Boolean From A Good Boolean 🔗 https://dev.to/mattpocockuk/state-management-how-to-tell-a-bad-boolean-from-a-good-boolean-260n How To Stop Making Horcruxes In Your Code 🔗 https://dev.to/mattpocockuk/state-machines-how-to-stop-making-horcruxes-in-your-code-gl5 You Don't Need A Library For State Machines 🔗 https://dev.to/davidkpiano/you-don-t-need-a-library-for-state-machines-k7h 👉️ Uses: 🔗 https://joyofcode.xyz/uses 👉️ Socials: 🐦️ https://twitter.com/joyofcodedev 💬 https://discord.gg/k6ZpwAKwwZ 🔖 Timestamps 0:00 Intro 0:29 Booleans 2:32 Enums 3:38 State Machines 5:14 Reducer Pattern 6:22 Faux State Machine 8:47 Using XState 11:52 Outro #svelte #xstate #joyofcode